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Grow Your Natural Hair: Masterclass

Learn the secrets to cultivating healthy, natural hair


Hey natural girl!


Grow the hair of your dreams without spending hundreds of dollars on products or hours on Youtube.




Most of my clients come to me due to the same frustrations you probably have with your natural hair.  


First, let me tell you why I created this masterclass. After years of being a hairstylist, one of the things I kept noticing was that new clients all had the same complaints about their natural hair.


  • hair breakage

  • hair that was brittle

  • hair that was dry

  • hair that didn't grow

  • hair that was dull - had no shine

  • using too many products that didn't work-becoming product junkies

  • wasting hundreds of hours on YouTube



They all had similarities. Essentially, they didn't know how to take care of their natural hair - how to get it to flourish. They all hated their hair!


I'm Itohan

Master Natural Hair Stylist &

Healthy Hair Specialist with 

15+ Years of Professional Experience.

I want you to stop wasting time and money or things that do not work for your hair. I can teach you how to grow the hair of your dreams in a healthy way.



Discover how tender loving care and a consistent hair regimen can change your hair.




I have created this masterclass just for you. I know that you have no idea how to get healthy hair.


You are tired of throwing darts in the dark and hoping to find something that’ll work for your hair.


I want to help you simplify you natural hair regimen and achieve healthier hair.


Yes, healthy hair is in your future!



So, here is the thing… You will not retain length if your hair is not healthy or able to retain moisture.


​It's time to take control and start cultivating healthy, longer hair. Are you stuck on product selection? Or how to put it all together? This Masterclass was created just for you!


Do you know what the girls on Instagram and Youtube have in common? They have a set hair regimen that is curated for their hair type. Yes, a hair regimen.


You don’t have to do it alone because I've done most of the heavy lifting for you!






Why You Need This Class


I will be your instructor, and I am a natural hair professional. I am a licensed natural hair stylist, and I have spent hundreds of hours studying to become a Healthy Hair Specialist.


I learnt about the science of hair, curly hair in particular, and applied the principles to my practice as a natural hair stylist. The results were amazing, client after client! I was on to something: Natural hair is not difficult or a "struggle."


  • Your hair is dry and unmanageable.

  • Your hair does not retain moisture.

  • It feels brittle.

  • You are experiencing hair breakage.

  • Your styles do not hold their definition for long.

  • You are experiencing damage from "protective styles."

  • You are transitioning to natural hair and have no idea where to start.​





  1. Hair Density

  2. Hair Porosity

  3. Hair Texture


Why they matter when creating a hair regimen that is customized for your specific hair needs


Selecting the right type of products






Over the course of 4 hours, you will receive instructional content that is intended to help you take control of your hair game. 


Each hour, you will gain one skill set at a time to be able to cultivate the hair of your dreams.


You will learn how to create a hair regimen based on the current condition and needs of your hair.


Learn what to do to your hair daily, weekly, and monthly to keep it healthy.


You will learn how to train your hair into retaining moisture and banish dry hair for good.


I will show you exactly what to do and how to create the best hair regimen for your hair type. 


Hour 1: The Science of Hair

Hour 2: Moisturizing and Hydration

Hour  3: Creating a Healthy Hair Regimen

Hour4: Demonstration and Products & Tools


Your hair type:


Hair Porosity

Hair texture

See you in class!






Price: $149 SALE $99



The link to the masterclass will be delivered to your inbox 24 hours before the class.

What People Say

Before I started working with you, my hair was breaking badly. Now, it holds moisture better and I am liking my hair! I like how it feels! Thank you so much! Sheila A..

Sheila A. NC

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Digital Natural Hair Academy

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1213  Parkside Main St. #122

Cary, NC 27519, USA

Tel: 919 2257623     |

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